Welcome to Options Center for Health & Education. You are reaching us for health or education options. Our Health Center includes how to get well and stay well, by learning and doing efficient, effective ways to live your best life with vibrant health.
- Do you have stress and have trouble sleeping or can’t sleep?
- Are you tired, worn out or fatigued or do you have enough energy to get through your day?
- Are you sick and don’t know how to get well?
- Does osteoporosis run in your family and don’t know how to prevent it?
- Do you know what vitamins and minerals you should be taking for optimum health?
- Do you suffer from frontal headaches and migraines?
- Are recurring yeast infections, PMS symptoms, emotional disturbances, and/or skin problems interfering with your quality of life?
If so, the Health Center is your answer!
Yes! I need help reaching my health goals! Call or Email Options today!
Invest in your health and become an OPTIONS client. Your health affects not only how we feel physically and emotionally, but also how you think, work, and face life.
Get an appointment to get a hair analysis. The mineral levels in a TMA Hair Analysis Report show the current state of your body’s health. It can pick up trends and explain why you are having symptoms up to 20 years before blood work can diagnosis the problem and often 10-15 years before you experience symptoms.
Your goal is to achieve your full potential and live the vibrant life you desire.
Call or Email Options today!
We’re making it easier to stay safe and healthy. Just order your supplements by phone or email.
We’ll let you know when it’s ready. As you enter the parking lot, drive your car parallel/along side of the office building, stop by the windows with the Open sign, roll down your car window and honk [so we know you are there and can see who you are], OR call when you get here. We can put your supplements right in your trunk. Curbside Pickup is available from 11:00 AM until 3 PM.
Helen offers phone appointments. Email or call her to schedule your appointment.