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Adlerian Psychology (Individual Psychology)
A.D.H.D. (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Brain Gym®
Hair Analysis





Adlerian Psychology (Individual Psychology)

The Austrian psychologist, Dr. Alfred Adler, believed that psychological therapy should enrich interpersonal relationships and bring people closer together in healthy, responsible relationships. Adler veered from Freud and Jung, by trying to place the patient in society, how society affects the patient and how the patient affects society. Adler was more interested in healthy relationships in families and communities. Adler’s approach of democratic parenting works superbly with today’s societal values and opportunities.


A.D.H.D. (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

A.D.H.D is a disorder characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and hyperactivity that occurs in an academic or social setting. These patterns include: failing to complete tasks, problems staying organized and becoming easily distracted. Other problems include: excessive talking and being overtly impulsive. This impulsiveness usually reveals itself through impatience, difficulty waiting one’s turn and frequently interrupting. Although many individuals with ADHD display both inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms, some individuals show symptoms from one group but not the other.

For more information, refer to Part #3, Part #4, Testimonial 1, Testimonial 2, Testimonial 3, Testimonial 4, Testimonial 5, Testimonial 6, Testimonial 7, Testimonial 8.


Brain Gym®

Brain Gym® is a program that consists of fun and easy physical activities that students perform. These activities stimulate the brain and nervous system for optimal performance in cognition, creativity, athletics, and communication. Brain Gym® stems from the premise that a body-mind connection is monitored or managed in large part by the brain. The different parts of the brain have different functions and have specific connections in the body. By isolating different parts of the body and working with them simultaneously, specific parts of the brain are stimulated and integrated because they have been forced to work together. The results include improved whole body coordination, balance, relaxation, improved hearing and visual perception and more positive attitudes. Although written specifically to assist children with learning, reading or writing disabilities, the basic principles involved can be transferred to all ages. At Options, Brain Gym® is used as therapy for health as well as learning goals. “It is another form of balancing.” quote from Alternative Health Care (page 130) by Helen Cox

To learn more about Brain Gym® visit:
Brain Gym® Home Page or Brain Gym® FAQ

For more information, refer to Education Handbook Part 3, Part 4, Testimonials.

For more information on workshops on this topic, see Education Center Workshops.


Hair Analysis – Education

Hair analysis (Trace Mineral Analysis or TMA) is a test in which a small sample of hair is sent to a lab for evaluation of the person’s mineral content. This test can detect mineral imbalances and provide the person with information about the minerals that are lacking or excessive, including toxic minerals. Many students with learning and behavioral difficulties have toxic minerals as well as unbalanced mineral levels. Getting the minerals into proper balance and getting rid of stored toxic minerals by taking specific supplements and making dietary changes can improve how a student thinks and learns.

For more information on families that have chosen hair analysis: Testimonial 1, Testimonial 2, Testimonial 3, Testimonial 4, Testimonial 5, Testimonial 6, Testimonial 7.

For relevant data that can be attained on hair analysis, check out:
Trace Elements, Inc.
